1891 September 17: Herbert Fiedler is born in Leipzig, Germany
1910 graduates from Nicolai Gymnasium ( Grammar School ), Leipzig
1910 - 1912 studies at the Royal Academy of Art in Dresden on the advice of Max Liebermann and Wilhelm Trübner; gets acqainted with George Grosz; drawing lessons from Robert Sterl and Richard Müller
1912 moves to Berlin on the advice of Waldemar Rösler; rooms with George Grosz; meets Max Beckmann
1913 - 1914 participates in the Berlin Secession Spring exhibition; departs for Paris in April; meets the graphic artist Otto Schoff; together they do model studies at the Académie Colarossi; meets Jules Pascin, Karl Hofer and Wilhelm Uhde; participates in the Berlin Secession Autumn exposition and in the exhibition Der Dôme, Galerie Flechtheim, Düsseldorf
1914 Hedwig Jaenichen- Woermann ( Hamburg ) offers Fiedler a studio and a stipend for a year in Paris, starting August 1, 1914; on August 3 1914, Germany declares war on France; leaving his work and diaries behind, Fiedler is obliged to return to Leipzig on July 31st; is sent to the eastern front and seriously wounded
1916 Fiedler is released from military duty; returns to Berlin; has to perform alternative service
1918 participates in Freie Secession exhibition, Berlin; praise by the art critic Karl Scheffler in Kunst und Künstler; meets John Heartfield, Richard Hülsenbeck, Frans Wildenhain, Max Pechstein and Bertolt Brecht
1924 - 1926 works in the UFA-studios and paint workshops, Berlin
1926 - 1927 travels to Italy with the sculptor Kurt Radtke
1930 - 1931 visits Paris for the second time; meets the Swiss artist Amrey Balsiger
1932 Amrey joins Fiedler in Berlin; Fiedler exhibits at the Gurlitt Gallery; a new fresco-like technique (stone painting) he developed together with Kurt Radtke attracts attention; again praise by Karl Scheffler for his work in the Freie Secession exhibition
1933 - 1934 participates in the Spring and Autumn exhibitions of the Berliner Secession; exhibits with the Künstlerbund, Kassel/Saarbrücken, and with the Verein Berliner Künstler
1934 - 1935 departs on holiday to the Netherlands leaving the bulk of his possessions behind, together with Amrey, who helps in getting his work out of Germany under her name; settles in the artists village Laren; visit from George Grosz
1937 Fiedler is sought in Germany by the Reichskammer der Bildende Künste(Mitteilungsblatt der Bildende Künste, 1937)
1938 - 1939 marries Amrey Balsiger; birth of daughter Anna Sabine
1940 Germany invades the Netherlands; the Fiedlers are forced to move to Amsterdam; regularly meets with Max Beckmann during the occupation period
1941 thanks to the artist Jan Wiegers he becomes a member of the Onafhankelijken ( The independents )
1942 exhibition in the Gallery Pampus
1944 enlisted in the German army guarding bridges; fearing for his family, does not go underground
1945 interned by the Dutch authorities; is released after 2 months through efforts of the Resistance and colleagues; exhibition embargo till January 1, 1946
1948 Fiedler and Amrey become members of the newly formed De realisten ( The Realists )
1949 Fiedler becomes a member of the Hollandse Aquarellistenkring ( Dutch Aquarellists Society )
1953 on the invitation of the Max Beckmann Society he makes a study-trip to Munich and Murnau, Germany
1957 finally the Fiedlers get Dutch citizenship
1961 his 70th birthday draws wide attention from his friends and the press; receives an invitation for a retrospective exhibition by Willem Sandberg, the director of the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum
1962 dies suddenly on February 27 of cardiac arrest; September/October memorial exhibition at the Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum
1999 Amrey Balsiger dies on April 23
1936 - 1961 his work is represented in various group and solo exhibitions in the Netherlands, France, Spain and Egypt
1982 - 1983 extensive solo exhibition ( Frank-Fiedler collection ) in Nijmegen, Hilversum, Zwolle, Franeker and in Amsterdam ( Arti et Amicitiae)
In connection with a retrospective exhibition, to take place in September 2000 in the Singer Museum, Laren, Holland, and to complete the documentation of visual and other materials undertaken in cooperation with the RKD ( Netherlands Institute for Art History ), the board of the Herbert Fiedler Foundation would welcome any information or assistance in further determining the whereabouts of such materials.
1999 Stichting Herbert Fiedler Project, Amsterdam |